Three stand-up comedians, despite their professional achievements they have yet to garner worldwide recognition. Audiences recognize their faces, but can't place the name. The Comedy Underground comedians share their stories during the show of life on the road as a stand-up comedian and their struggles and triumphs throughout the comedy industry to obtain national exposure.
Cast: Chastity Washington, Brooklyn Jones, Cocoa Brown, Talent, Guy Torry, Scruncho, Jay Lamont, MC Lyte, RED GRANT, Ocean Glapion, Pretti Ricki, Luenell, Freddie Ricks, RIP Michael, Tony Rock, Tony Roberts, Rob Stapleton, Zooman Miller, Kevin "Damn Fool" Simpson, DJ MC Lyte, Flex Alexander, Hope Flood, Capone, Alex Thomas
Director: Andrea Meyerson, Leslie Smalls, Paul Hannah